Produced workflows for metals and hyperelastic materials that take physical test data, sanitize and filter it, run a series of simulation tests, and produce calibrated material cards that can be used directly in crashworthiness simulations.
For metals, data from the tensile test, shear test, notch test, and punch test were read and calibrated. The workflow used Generalized Incremental Stress State Modeling for material characterization. This was made possible using MAT_24 Card (an elasto-plastic material card) combined with the MAT_ADD_EROSION card in LS-Dyna. Being a failure model, this method accounts for post-necking behavior in addition to modeling behavior leading up to failure.
The hyperelastic foam material was calibrated using a single-element compression test, multiple-element compression test, and sphere-impact test. Material cards MAT_83 (FU-CHANG FOAM) and MAT_57 (Low-Density Foam) were used to model and correlate the compression side of the physical test data with simulation-generated data.